Using Jekyll to Build GitHub Pages

Posted by hnqiu on December 27, 2019


GitHub Pages is a fantastic way to host your personal website from your GitHub repository – it is free, convenient while provides much richness in customizing your own style. In this post I will first guide you how to render your repository into a website. Then I will discuss a bit more on how to use Jekyll to preview posts locally before pushing the changes to GitHub.

:pencil: For complete beginners, I would recommend a training course on GitLab, a great resource to get to know Pages.

Jekyll and GitHub Pages

Jekyll is a built-in engine behind GitHub Pages. It is a popular static site generator written in Ruby, which can transform plain text (e.g. Markdown files) into static websites.

All we need to begin with in our repository are a _config.yml file and an file. The file structure of the hosting repository would look like:

  |-- _config.yml
  |-- _posts/
    |- yyyy-mm-dd-<title>.md

The file is the content shown on the homepage. The _config.yml file (example) describes the Jekyll configuration. With these being set, we are all good to post our blog.

Getting Started - Initializing GitHub Pages with Jekyll

  • First create a GitHub repository and enable Github Pages in Settings following this guide.
  • Create an file with the content to be shown on the homepage
  • Create a _config.yml file with the following content:
    title: Your awesome title
    author: GitHub User
    description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "show_excerpts:"
      Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
      line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
      Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
    show_excerpts: true # set to false to remove excerpts on the homepage
    # Build settings
    markdown: kramdown
    theme: minima
    # Plugins
      - jekyll-feed
  • Commit the changes to master and that’s it. Now we can visit our website!

Note here we use the minima theme, which is one of the default themes supported by GitHub Pages. We can change the theme in Settings. However, if we want to use other themes, we may need to install it or use remote_theme.

Let’s say we want to use the minimal-mistakes theme. Since we just want the changes to be effective on Pages, we will use the remote_theme way. All that needs to be modified is the _config.yml file:

  • Comment out all other themes and add
    remote_theme: mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
  • Add plugin jekyll-include-cache to the plugins array
  • Commit changes and refresh the website

Installing Jekyll on Ubuntu

Enabling Jekyll on GitHub is as simple as mentioned above. However, if we want more advanced features, like previewing our post locally and troubleshooting possible failed builds before pushing the changes, we need to install Jekyll on our local machine.

bundler and gem

So how do we install Jekyll? Jekyll is Ruby based and Ruby uses RubyGems to install and manage packages. gem is the command-line tool. A gem is also referred to a Ruby library and gemfile is used to describe gem dependencies for Ruby applications. Bundler is the most common tool to manage gem dependencies. We can analogize these concepts with Python as follows. It is not exactly the same, but close:

Python Ruby
pip gem
anaconda bundler
requirements.txt gemfile


  • Installing Ruby
    Ubuntu 16.04 should have pre-installed Ruby, but my experience told me it would not be able to compile Ruby extension modules. There will be error messages like "Failed to build gem native extension". Therefore, we need to install ruby-full:
    sudo apt-get install ruby-full
  • Installing Bundler & Jekyll
    At this stage, we know Bundler, or Jekyll is actually a gem. Bundler is the gem to manage gems. It is best to avoid installing Ruby gems under root directories. We can set up the installation path under $HOME. First append the following to ~/.bashrc:
    # Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems
    export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"
    export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/gems/bin"

    Then run the following in Terminal

    source ~/.bashrc
    gem install bundler jekyll

Setting up Jekyll Locally

Once we have installed Jekyll, we can set up Jekyll configuration in our repository. Clone the above github repository locally (find my git tutorial here). Then

Create Gemfile

  • Create a Gemfile file under the repository’s root directory with the following content:
    source "”
    gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
  • Install github-pages gem by running:
    bundle install

    Gem dependencies will be installed at ~/gems. A Gemfile.lock file will also be generated under the current path.

Installing other gems (if needed)

  • Whenever we need to install other necessary gems
    • add them to Gemfile
      gem 'jekyll-include-cache' # if we use the `minimal-mistakes` theme
    • execute

Build local Jekyll site

  • Build project
    bundle exec jekyll serve

    The jekyll serve command builds the site and run a local web server at http://localhost:4000. The bundle exec prefix says to run commands under the environment set in Gemfile.

  • Preview the local site at http://localhost:4000.
  • Press Ctrl+C to stop the process.

:pencil: After built, a folder _site/ will be generated. This is where Jekyll outputs HTML files converted from our posts etc. Therefore, it should not be staged in git and needs to be added to .gitignore.